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Ufop’s graduate professors in Tourism and Heritage Program present research in the Netherlands

Professors Alissandra Nazareth de Carvalho e Carolina Lescura de Carvalho Castro Volta, from UFOP’s Graduate Program in Tourism and Heritage, presented the article “Creative Economy in Small Territories: a Study about Ouro Preto District”, in Atlas Annual Conference 2024 - Leisure & Tourism 2030: Navigating the Future...

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UFOP student is selected for exchange in South Korea

The bachelor's student of the Computer Science Program at UFOP, Iago Izidório Lacerda, was selected to receive the KDU Global Scholarship, a financial aid that allows students to attend a semester at 경동대학교 Kyungdong University, in South Korea. design_sem_nome_17_3.png The institution has, since 2019, maintained its...

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UFOP’s Startup is approved in acceleration notices

The first spin-off from the Federal University of Ouro Preto (UFOP), Épsilon Automação LTDA, was approved in two different notices for non-reimbursable acceleration resources: SeedGov MG and Centelha MG, both programs that seek to develop national entrepreneurship. campus_morro_do_cruzeiro.png The company is focused on...

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UFOP students’ Startup is approved in entrepreneurship notice

The Startup Update, created by students and former students of the Industrial Engineering Program in UFOP, was approved in an acceleration notice from Seed Gov. The startup acceleration program is aimed at entrepreneurs from all over the world who want to develop their businesses in Minas Gerais. 850x4101.png Update is an...

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UFOP Professor and former student publish book on neurosales for fitness professionals

The book "The Fitness Salesman: neurosales for fitness professionals" was written by Professor Everton Rocha Soares, from the School of Physical Education (EEF) of UFOP, together with a former student, Silas Henrique Cardoso e Silva. The publication aims to revolutionize the way professionals in the sector conceive their...

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UFOP Professor appointed Chief of Staff at the Ministry of Women Affairs

Professor Dulce Maria Pereira, from the Department of Public Management in the Open and Distance Education Centre (CEAD) in UFOP and a member of the Center for Afro-Brazilian and Indigenous Studies (Neabi), was appointed Chief of Staff at the Ministry of Women Affairs. whatsapp_image_2023-07-24_at_11.07.42_0.jpeg Graduated...

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UFOP receives visit from representatives of international institutions

The Federal University of Ouro Preto (UFOP) received three important visits from representatives of universities of France, Mozambique and Poland. The aim of the meeting was to strengthen the existing partnerships between UFOP and those institutions. 850x410.png The first visit took place on February 27, with the arrival...

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UFOP women's Taekwondo wins bronze medal in the Brazilian University Games

UFOP Urban Engineering student, Lara Peixoto was one of the representatives of UFOP in the Brazilian University Games (JUBs), which took place in Brasilia from June 11 to 15. 27814_lara2.jpg Lara won the 3rd place in taekwondo, in the adult black belt up to 62kg category. The JUBs qualify for the Universíades, an...

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UFOP participates in the Rondon Project in Mato Grosso do Sul

Faculty members and students from the Federal University of Ouro Preto (UFOP) participated in the Rondon Project, in Mato Grosso do Sul, a state from Brazil. The Project activities took place between July 14th and 29th in 12 cities: Água Clara, Bodoquena, Caarapó,Camapuã, Bonito, Figueirão, Inocência, Juti, Pedro Gomes,...

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Polish University professor visits UFOP

UFOP was visited by Professor Bernadeta Debska from Rzeszów University of Technology (RUT), in Poland, with which it has an agreement of academic cooperation through the Erasmus+ Program. The purpose of the visit was to discuss research projects carried out by UFOP and RUT and an action plan aiming at future activities...

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