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Student Housing

Ouro Preto


Apartments: In the Bauxita neighborhood there are 96 vacancies in 24 apartments, located at Vila Operária, next to the Morro do Cruzeiro Campus. The resident selection criterion is a socioeconomic classification, regulated by specific notice published according to the vacancies release.

University Village: The Village has eight houses, included recently in the student housing system. They are adapted for people with physical disabilities and offer 168 vacancies in total.

Repúblicas: these are often historical properties provided by the University for student housing. In Ouro Preto there are 59 repúblicas spread throughout the city historical center. They are ensured self-management, thus each one has its own bylaws. In this case, the selection criterion requires a three-month experience in order to check the applicant’s spirit of solidarity and sense of community.




In Mariana are located two sets of Republicas, managed by UFOP:

Set I: There are seven houses located near and belonging to the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences (ICHS). They offer 84 student vacancies in total.

Set II: There are four apartments and four houses. Each apartment includes six shared bedrooms, a living room, kitchen, bathrooms, and laundry area; and each house includes nine shared bedrooms, a living room, kitchen, bathrooms, laundry area, and are adapted for people with physical disabilities. The set is located in the Nossa Senhora do Carmo neighborhood with 120 student vacancies in total.

In Mariana, the resident selection criterion is a socioeconomic classification and it is conducted by the Dean of Community and Student Affairs Office (PRACE).

João Monlevade

UFOP has no student housing properties in the João Monlevade Campus. Student housing aid is offered in order to cover the students’ needs in the city.

Other options:

Private Repúblicas are also another option for student housing in Ouro Preto, Mariana, and João Monlevade. Groups of students organize themselves to rent private properties, sharing the costs and duties related to the house maintenance. UFOP collaborates with legal support through an extension project from the Law Program, regarding the relationship with the landlords/landladies.

During freshmen enrollment, students living in both at UFOP and private repúblicas post vacancy information. All repúblicas require a monthly cost related to the maintenance of the house, which varies according to each house.

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