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UFOP Professor appointed Chief of Staff at the Ministry of Women Affairs

Professor Dulce Maria Pereira, from the Department of Public Management in the Open and Distance Education Centre (CEAD) in UFOP and a member of the Center for Afro-Brazilian and Indigenous Studies (Neabi), was appointed Chief of Staff at the Ministry of Women Affairs.

Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism from the University of Brasilia (UnB), the new Chief of Staff will work to keep permanent channels of dialogue with women's social movements and other segments of the civil society, in conjunction with the Brazilian National Council for Women's Rights (CNDM). She will  provide administrative support for the operation of the CNDM, coordinate the analysis and processing of data and information relating to the programs and actions carried out by the Ministry, as well as  prepare special studies to support pronouncements and projects of interest to that Ministry, among other activities. She will also deal with international agreements and conventions.
Dulce Maria says she intends to build an even more concise and productive bridge between the Ministry and universities, with the aim of expanding the scientific support for public policies for women. "I intend to help the government accomplish its commitment to reduce poverty through the mobility of women from the bottom of the socioeconomic pyramid, such as black and indigenous women,  according to   Minister Cida Gonçalves’s guidelines ."
The Chief of Staff also highlights the policy of the new government and the expectation of state intervention against the huge precariousness of women’s lives , especially black and brown women, as main motivations that led her to take up the post. "I want to work to break the chains of violence, hunger, deterritorialization and contamination, as well as the lack of opportunities for black, brown and indigenous women. This is a way of honoring the opportunity to have a President who prioritizes human dignity," she said.
Despite the fact that she is developing a  dissertation at the Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA), after an immersion season  in the United States and planning to carry out research in South Africa, Dulce says she is excited to be part of the Ministry's team. "Serving Brazil in the current context, where people and their territories are treated as a priority, is a privilege for me. Working with a team of highly qualified women, such as the Ministry's team, with the mission of delivering public policies for us, women, is a noble way of fighting for social welfare."