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UFOP students’ Startup is approved in entrepreneurship notice

The Startup Update, created by students and former students of the Industrial Engineering Program in UFOP, was approved in an acceleration notice from Seed Gov. The startup acceleration program is aimed at entrepreneurs from all over the world who want to develop their businesses in Minas Gerais.

Update is an organization that brings together professionals in the data science and artificial intelligence market with the aim of making technology and dynamic data analysis more accessible.

According to João Vinícius Souza, the startup leader, the approval is extremely important for Update, as it brings a series of benefits and significant changes, such as access to financial resources and specialized mentoring. Souza also recognizes the importance of UFOP's involvement in the process: "The approval brings visibility and credibility to UFOP, strengthening its role in stimulating entrepreneurship and training innovative professionals".

To remain in the Program, the startup must create a data management and analysis solution for the government company Emater-MG, in addition to promoting entrepreneurship events in Ouro Preto.

The Seed Gov acceleration program was officially launched on July 20, 2023 in a open event at Cemig's Auditorium. Learn more about the Update on its official website.