Ministered in the Institute of Philosophy, Art and Culture (Instituto de Filosofia, Arte e Cultura - IFAC), the program offers the modalities bachelor and teaching program. It focuses on training students with critical and reflexive vision, who seek to acquire knowledge about mankind and the world. While the teaching program’s curriculum follows the guidelines established by Ministry of Education (Ministério da Educação - MEC), UFOP’s bachelor’s curriculum differentiates from the national level, with courses that allow a proficient dialogue between philosophers and professionals from several areas, independently if they are from Humanities or Natural Sciences. With the permanency for over 2 years, after the program’s conclusion, the student has the possibility of graduating in the two modalities offered by the program.
In an intense time of information change, the student must have a background which allows absorbing and utilizing such databases in the best way possible. The Philosophy Program fills this need as it helps the student in the organization of thoughts, ensuring that the student receives current information, organizing and comprehending their intern reasons or even their illogicalities. 15 vacancies are offered for the bachelor modality and 20 for the teaching degree.
The bachelor in Philosophy is able to develop research by the procedures of academic studies in Masters and Doctorate levels. They also may give consult to scientific, artistic and cultural institutions. The student with the teaching degree may work as a teacher in high school institutions.