Aiming to attend the regional demand of a solid background in Mathematics, UFOP created, in 1998, the Mathematics Program in the Teaching Degree modality. Currently, the program also counts with the Bachelor habilitation. The Bachelor modality capacitates the student to scientific research. By the continuity of their studies in masters and doctorate levels, the student is also able to teach in the higher education level. The teaching program trains Mathematics teachers to work in basic education (middle school after the 6th grade and in high schools). The student that wants to continue their studies in masters and doctorate levels, in the education fields, will also be able to teach.
10 vacancies are offered for bachelor’s degree and 30 for the teaching program modality.
Mathematics goes beyond the theoretical support to new technologies; it’s also used as an information, interpretation, and organization tools, such as schedules of health plans and income tax. The Mathematician will be able to specialize in graduation level to work in higher level teaching, and also in pure Mathematics areas or applied fields of engineering, physics, finances, theoretical computer science, computer graphics, among others.