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Our Mission


UFOP’s International Relations Office (DRI) was created in 2009. The purpose of the office is to provide support and strengthen UFOP’s internationalization process, contributing to activities developed by the university and with its international visibility. The actuation of DRI has as reference The Institutional Development Plan and the Internationalization Plan.

Among DRI main functions, we emphasize on the following:

  • To establish contact  with institutions and international academic cooperation networks;
  • To establish agreements with universities and foreign research centers;
  • To elaborate and publish calls for international mobility;
  • To guide and host students, researchers, and foreign delegations;
  • To promote and support initiatives related to teaching and learning of foreign languages;
  • To promote and support events and other  actions related to internationalization;
  • To promote intern and extern opportunities of programs, scholarships, events, etc;
  • To have a representation of UFOP at international education instances abroad or within Brazil.


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