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UFOP receives visit from representatives of international institutions

The Federal University of Ouro Preto (UFOP) received three important visits from representatives of universities of France, Mozambique and Poland. The aim of the meeting was to strengthen the existing partnerships between UFOP and those institutions.

The first visit took place on February 27, with the arrival of representatives from the École des Bio-Industries (EBI). Sandra Kirollos, head of International Relations and PhD student in French Literature, and Selcan Tokgoz, head of the Galenic Form and Eco Conception Research Department, were at the Morro do Cruzeiro campus to take part in an institutional presentation at the International Relations Office (DRI) and visit some of the School of Pharmacy (EFar) facilities.
On February 28, the director of the Mozambique School of Journalism (ESJ), Professor Tomás José Jane, visited the Inconfidentes Region. The purpose was to sign the cooperation agreement established between UFOP and ESJ and to take part in a meeting with the Rector of UFOP,Prof.  Cláudia Marliére, the Vice Rector, Prof. Hermínio Nalini, the Director of International Relations, Anderson Gamarano, and the coordinators of the Graduate Program in Communication (PPGCOM), professors Frederico Tavares and Débora Lopez. Prof. Jane also visited the Institute of Social and Applied Sciences (ICSA), in Mariana, to discuss specific partnerships between PPGCOM and the Mozambican Institution.
In March, Wieslaw Antoni Grabon, a professor at Poland's Rzeszow University of Technology (RUT), made his second visit to UFOP. The professor visited the Tribology and Robotics Laboratories of the Vale Institute of Technology (ITV) and the DRI Office, and gave two presentations to ITV researchers and UFOP faculty members and students.