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UFOP participates in the Rondon Project in Mato Grosso do Sul

Faculty members and students from the Federal University of Ouro Preto (UFOP) participated in the Rondon Project, in Mato Grosso do Sul, a state from Brazil. The Project activities took place between July 14th and 29th in 12 cities: Água Clara, Bodoquena, Caarapó,Camapuã,  Bonito, Figueirão, Inocência, Juti, Pedro Gomes, Ribas do Rio Pardo, Santa Rita do Pardo, and Taquarussu.

Coordinated by the Ministry of Defense, the Rondon Project was created in 1967 with aims to promote transformative training actions and encourage citizenship through volunteering. With the active participation of academics, the project promotes sustainable local development in underserved municipalities in Brazil.

In this action, UFOP will carry out workshops from Set B, focusing on issues such as communication, labor, environment, technology, and production. Prof. Felipe Loch, from the  Department of Civil Engineering (Deciv), and Prof. Mariana Machado, from the Department of Environment Engineering (Deamb), are coordinating it. The project also includes students from Civil and Environmental Engineering, Biology, Nutrition and Performing Arts courses as participants.