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UFOP welcomes faculty members from Canadian University

The UFOP International Relations Office (DRI) welcomed Freddy Cáceres and John Hayes, representatives of the School of Public Policy of the University of Calgary, Canada.  Their visit lasted three days and served as an opportunity to plan future actions between both institutions.

The Canadian professors participated in the event "Mining and its environmental impacts, social conflicts and interactions between industry, academia and government agencies", held by the International Relations Office (DRI) together with the Graduate Program in Mineral Engineering (PPGEM).

They also attended presentations made by the graduate programs in Environmental Engineering (Proamb) and Crustal Evolution and Natural Resources (PPGECRN) and by the Group of Socio-Environmental Studies and Researches (Gepsa).

 The “Ciência e Técnica” Museum and the “Obras Raras” Library, of UFOP “Escola de Minas” were some of the places they visited. They were also introduced to tourist attractions in the city of Ouro Preto such as the Historic Center, the Veloso Mine, the Inconfidência Museum  and the Boulieu Museum.