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Organization Chart

The University management is distributed among various divisions that address administrative and academic demands and responsibilities. Administrative issues are organized by the Rector’s Office, Boards of Directors and other sectors responsible for process referrals, resource management, structure maintenance, people management, internationalization and assistance of the entire institution. In academic terms, the Boards of Academic Units are responsible for managing their administrative issues as well as their own teaching, research and extension activities. The overall coordination of the entire process is made by the Rector’s Office, together with the University Council (CUNI), the Teaching, Research and Extension Council (CEPE), and the Board of Curators. The latter promotes the dialogue between the two Councils and enables institutional planning with a view to meeting existing demands and seeking constant development.

Higher Management

Rector’s Office - UFOP is administrated by faculty members elected by the academic community for a four-year term and sworn in by the Federal Government's Ministry of Education.

University Rector
Profª. Cláudia Aparecida Marliére de Lima

Prof. Hermínio Arias Nalini Júnior

The University Council (CUNI) -  is the highest decision and normative body, and is responsible for defining the guidelines of university policy.

The University Teaching, Research and Extension Council (CEPE) - is a higher decision body in matters concerning the three fields of activity in the University.

Board of Curators - Decision and advisory body on economic and financial supervision of the University.


Administrative Management

Pró-Reitoria de Assuntos Comunitários e Estudantis (PRACE) / Dean of Community and Student Affairs Office

Provides assistance for students, administrative staff and faculty members in the institution, and seeks to ensure the psychosocial well-being of the entire academic community.

Pró-Reitora de Assuntos Comunitários e Estudantis / Dean of Community and Student Affairs
Natália de Souza Lisboa

Pró-Reitora Adjunta de Assuntos Comunitários e Estudantis / Associate Dean of Community and Student Affairs
Sabrina Magalhães Rocha
Pró-Reitoria de Extensão (PROEX) / Dean of Extension Office

Coordinates UFOP policies, programs, projects and other extension actions.

Pró-Reitor de Extensão / Dean of Extension
Sandra Maria Antunes Nogueira

Pró-Reitora Adjunta de Extensão /  Associate Dean of Extension
Vanderlice dos Santos Andrade Sol
Pró-Reitoria de Graduação - (PROGRAD) / Dean of Undergraduate Studies Office

Proposes, coordinates and assesses undergraduate policy. It is the body in charge of the admission processes and academic management of undergraduate courses.

Pró-Reitora de Graduação / Dean of Undergraduate Studies
Tânia Rossi Garbin

Pró-Reitor Adjunto de Graduação  / Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies
Adilson Pereira dos Santos
Pró-Reitoria de Planejamento e Administração (PROPLAD) / Dean of Planning and Management Office

Is an executive body, linked to UFOP’s Rectorate, whose mission is to contribute to the improvement of Institutional Administration and Development, by expanding and perfecting instruments of planning, monitoring, and assessment, favoring the reach of organizational  efficiency and the planned goals, from the yearnings of the internal and external communities.

Pró-Reitor de Finanças Dean of Budgeting, Planning and Management
Eleonardo Lucas Pereira

Pró-Reitor Adjunto de Planejamento e Administração  / Associate Dean of Budgeting, Planning and Management
Máximo Eleotério Martins
Pró-Reitoria de Finanças (PROF) / Dean of Budgeting

The PROF's main responsibilities are budget and financial management, accounting, planning and controlling of revenue collection, payments and accounting reports to the internal and external inspection bodies, asset management, as well as multiple services provided to internal and external communities by UFOP.

Pró-Reitor de Planejamento e Administração / Dean of Budgeting, Planning and Management
Eduardo Cutiss dos Santos

Pró-Reitor Adjunto de Orçamento, Planejamento e Administração  / Associate Dean of Budgeting, Planning and Management
Adriana Elisabete Manuli
Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa, Pós-Graduação e Inovação (PROPPI) / Dean of Research, Graduate Studies and Innovation Office

Advises the university administration in matters related to scientific, technological research and graduate studies. It is also responsible for stimulating and fostering research activities.

Pró-Reitor de Pesquisa, Pós-Graduação e Inovação / Dean of Research, Graduate Studies and Innovation
Renata Guerra de Sá Cota

Pró-Reitora Adjunta de Pesquisa, Pós-Graduação e Inovação / Associate Dean of Research, Graduate Studies and Innovation
Thiago Cazati
Pró-Reitoria de Gestão de Pessoas (PROGEP) / The Dean of People Management Office

Has the mission of coordinating and implementing the developmental policies of people management in the University’s sphere. According to the Institutional Development Plan (Plano de Desenvolvimento Institucional - PDI), UFOP has the objectives of (1) improving people management, utilizing data relating to the staff’s functional life (reports, statistics, processes, etc.); (2) improving the development of staff in office; (3) providing conditions that favor the staff health and life quality in the workplace; and (4) promoting a greater interaction between the University and the local community/society. Thus, PROGEP aims to establish people management and life quality policies to attend institutional and professional goals.

Pró-Reitor de Gestão de Pessoas / Dean of People Management
Bruno Camilloto Arantes

Pró-Reitora Adjunta de Gestão de Pessoas / Associate Dean of People Management
Isabela Perucci Esteves Fagundes
Diretoria de Relações Internacionais (DRI) / International Relations Office

Carries out internationalization policies such as encouraging academic mobility abroad for researchers, faculty members, undergraduates and postgraduates. It also organizes the reception of foreign students, researchers and faculty members in the institution, also offering informative content in foreign languages.

Coordenadora de Assuntos Internacionais / Coordinator of International Affairs
Anderson Gamarano
Diretoria de Comunicação Institucional (CCI) / Institutional Communication Office

Eexecutes communication strategies, giving support for institutional development in all University areas.

Coordenador de Comunicação Institucional / Coordinator of Institutional Communication
Francisco José Daher Júnior
Diretoria de Tecnologia da Informação (NTI) / Information Tecnology Office

Its main purpose is to develop and manage information and communication technology resources.

Coordenador do Núcleo de Tecnologia de Informação / Coordinator of the Center of Information Technology
Abelard Ramos Fernandes
Diretoria de Bibliotecas e Informação (SISBIN) / Library and Information Office

Is responsible for managing the 12 libraries located in the various academic units.

Diretora do Sistema de Bibliotecas e Informação / Director of the Library and Information System
Gracilene Maria de Carvalho