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UFOP welcomes students from the University of Portsmouth (England)

UFOP International Relations Office (DRI) welcomed on Wednesday, June 29, six students from the Geology Program of the University of Portsmouth (England). The group includes Benn Thomas Brock, Caelan Jasper Reid, Rosie Ella Martin, Sophie June Maidment, Thomas Peter Creasey, and William Robert Bown, who will develop activities in UFOP until August 9. During that period, the students will carry out fieldwork in the region of Ouro Preto and Mariana under the supervision of the professors from the Department of Geology (DEGEO) Cristiano Lana, Marco Paulo Castro, and Maria Eugênia Silva de Souza. 

At the welcome meeting, the students received general information about UFOP, its facilities and available services, information about academic life and about their stay in Brazil, as well as information about the city of Ouro Preto. The meeting was also attended by Professors Cristiano Lana and Marco Paulo Castro and by Rafael Alvarenga, a student from the Mining Engineering Program.

In July, Prof. Craig Storey, from the University of Portsmouth, will also visit UFOP in order to keep track of some of the work carried out by the group of students and discuss the activities in partnership with UFOP that have been developed since 2013 through the Department of Geology (DEGEO).