The program trains professionals to teach in middle and high education institutions, emphasizing its interdisciplinary connections and focusing on human action evaluation, on the appropriation of natural resources, and on the impacts that this action promotes.
Moreover, it offers subsidies to the world’s construction processes comprehension through theoretical references of critical conception and, mainly, the participation in the student’s integral educational process.
The Geography’s bachelor’s degree program has the goal of training professionals with theoretical, historical, social, philosophical, political, cultural, and economic views in a critical and reflexive way. The teacher’s capacitation is also directed to the media and new technologies as a way in the teaching and learning processes.
The Geography Program is offered in the cities of Alterosa, Araguari, Barão de Cocais, Carlos Chagas, Caratinga, Divinolândia de Minas, Governador Valadares, Ipatinga, João Monlevade, Lagamar, and Ouro Preto.
The Geography graduate in the Teaching Program has a wide professional horizon, as a middle and high school teacher, being able to contribute to the training of citizens, to be socially participative and environmentally responsible.