Located at the Institute of Applied and Exact Sciences (Instituto de Ciências Exatas e Aplicadas - ICEA), the program was created in 2009. It aims at training professionals with full license in engineering, capable of applying computer skills in several areas, from software development and telecommunication to process automation projects in different types of industry. The curriculum is divided into three types of training: Basic, Technological, and Specific. Basic formation covers courses from the fields of mathematics, physics, and some elementary courses of computer programming. The set of technological background courses covers the main aspects of the computer field, such as databases, computer architecture, artificial intelligence, among others. The Specific training program allows the student to choose between two areas of specialization: Computer Network and Telecommunication, or Software Engineering.
The possibility of choosing between two specific areas is a great advantage for the professional graduated in UFOP, since the computer engineer finds a labor market in expansion after graduating. Professionals from this area can work as project and telecommunication managers, system analysts, hardware designers, technology consultants, or even enterprise their own businesses.