The Architecture and Urbanism Program’s main goal is to train professionals capable of comprehending and translating the needs of the individuals and communities relating to conception, organization, and space construction, adapting these needs to the environment and the cultural, social, and economic conditions of those groups. The program joins together the theoretical background and practice by means of workshop production, laboratory experimenting and model elaboration. Besides, study travels to familiarize the students with architectonic constructions and historical sets also help improve their experience. Extracurricular activities as meetings, expositions, contests, awards, and seminaries are also included among the Program requirements for graduating.
The student finishes the Program with a basic background which allows specialization in several areas, such as urbanism, edification, landscaping, conservation and valuation of the built heritage, besides the protection of the environmental balance and the rational use of its resources. The graduate may work autonomously in the planning, drawing, and technical supervision of spaces he/she has designed, or taking over construction planning, considering its final purpose, its dimensions and plastic expression, the material required, and the possible cost, thus designing the project, making the model, and the budget.